Friday, August 22, 2008

We love Indian food.....

Arslan and Bobor enjoying themselves with snacks treat.

From Uzbekistan to India... it has been a long journey in quest of learning.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Continuous assessment marks for the month of august OUT OF 20

ABHISHEK AGARWAL did very well and scored 18.
BHAVYA is responding well in class and got 18 this time.....very good Bhavya !!
CALISTA works very hard and scored 17.
GURBAAZ did better this time with 13 ......he is trying to work hard.
NANDINI .....she worked hard and got 20...well done !!
SAURAV scored 17 and is showing a lot of improvement.....good work Saurav!! doing very well...Got 19 ..well done Siddarth!!
SARTHAK is trying hard and will surely do better...he got 14 this cap test.

The little Krishna of SelaQui

Here's the cutest Krishna ever...
Gurbaaz has become a big hit since he started enacting the role of little Krishna in the school production. With the Bansuri he has been weaving magic spells along with his naughty but killer smiles.

Way to go...Gurbaaz

Bhavya- After a hard day's work

"I need my stamina now after all the ILP's."

Bhavya has shown a lot of improvement in his academics as well as his interaction with his dorm mates in the hostel. From being a shy, reticent, timid boy, he is gradually flowering and gaining in confidence day by day.

We wish him even more success.

Saturday, August 16, 2008



BORN ON 26TH JULY 1998, Abhishek loves to have fun, read books and play football.

LEARNING ENGLISH- Abhishek has shown a lot of improvement in his speaking and reading skills, most of all in his pronunciation.

MY EXPECTATIONS - I expect Abhishek to show a better result in his tests and a lot more improvement in his use of tenses. He needs to improve his hand-writing as well.

BEST HOLIDAY HOMEWORK -Abhishek put in a lot of effort in making his ENGLISH HOLIDAY HOMEWORK , it was hand written with lots of pictures. WELL DONE ABHISHEK!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

We like our pizzas

The Asterisx and Obelix of Akash House.

They are also fellow conspirators studying in class 5. They love their pizzas, their pepsi's as well as any junk food that they can lay their hands on.

Saurabh and Bhavya in action.

Having fun, boys!!!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Understanding hand

A kind word, a tender touch and a smile can do wonders for a child's confidence. Abhisekh must have felt really good post this interaction.

Come on, Abhisekh! You can do it.....

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Monika madam's class

Monika Madam's class. it is a wonderful admixture of staid as well as proactive kids. They have loads of fun in the teaching learning process.

Good work, Madam

Saturday, August 9, 2008

प्रदीप शर्मा का निवेदन

नन्ही दुनिया में अपने विचारों प्रेषित करें !
प्रदीप शर्मा

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Class Strength

No of Students in Class V ;